The HOLY Team

Ignasi Carrió
Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Hospital Sant Pau in Barcelona, Spain. Main research and scientific activity in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, in particular in the fields of Cardiovascular Medicine and Oncology. Prof. Carrió is former Editor –in-Chief of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI), and former President of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EANM).

Irène Buvat
Physicist, has been involved for 30 years in the development of quantification methods in molecular imaging using Emission Tomography. She is currently leading the Laboratory of Translational Imaging in Oncology at Institut Curie, Orsay, France. Her research focuses on identifying and validating new radiotracers to target molecular mechanisms of interest in cancer, and on developing new image-based biomarkers to make the most of the images. She is a strong advocate of reproducible research and yields the development of the LIFEx freeware to characterize tumour heterogeneity from all types of medical images, a software that currently has more than 3,800 users worldwide.

Alexander Haug
Associate Professor for Nuclear Medicine and Deputy Head of the Division of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital AKH Vienna, Austria. He has a strong focus on radionuclide therapy, especially in neuroendocrine tumors and prostate cancer, and on non-invasive characterization of diseases using PET. Further on, he is head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Applied Metabolomics, which aims to combine genetics, liquid biopsies and PET data in tumors.

Thomas Beyer
Full Professor of Physics of Medical Imaging at the Medical University of Vienna since 2013. His research is focused on multi-parametric imaging and non-invasive, imaging-based biomarker quantification. Together with his team QIMP (Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics) he supports applied science projects in the realms of personalized medicine approaches.

Laszlo Papp
Trained computer scientist with 15+ years industrial and scientific background of image processing, image reconstruction, AI, software architecture and complex application development skills. I aim to exploit the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of disease characterization, image processing and image reconstruction. I intend to conduct my future research throughout the understanding and analysis of clinically-relevant problems, relying on medical expertise as well as real medical data.

Kibrom Berihu
Kibrom Berihu Girum received a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Mekelle University (MIT), Ethiopia, in 2013, and MSc. degree in Computer Vision and Robotics from three joint universities (the Heriot-Watt University-United Kingdom, the University of Girona-Spain, and the University of Burgundy-France), in 2017. He received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Burgundy, France, in 2020, under the supervision of Pr. Gilles Créhange and Dr. Alain Lalande. His Ph.D. thesis work has a specific focus on developing artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning approaches, for image-guided prostate brachytherapy procedures. Currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Translational Imaging in Oncology (LITO) group at Institut Curie, CNRS, France. His current research interests include unsupervised and supervised feature learning and deep learning techniques, computer vision, and applications to biomedical problems.